33 Pounds Lost and Health Found

I haven’t posted in a couple of weeks about my lifestyle journey and wanted to share with you what’s been happening! First and foremost I’m over the hump and have now lost 33 pounds. I’ve been happily eating healthier by including a lot more fruits and vegetables. The vegetables have been courtesy of a CSA (community sponsored agriculture) that we joined and that’s been providing us with a lot of new and sometimes unusual vegetables. I’ll share more on that on Friday! It makes me think of an Italian expression: Chi mangia bene, vive bene. It translates to “He who eats well, lives well.” Couldn’t be more true. The workouts have been a mix of walking, the elliptical and a new addition: pickleball. Hubby and I have been playing regularly and we love it! All that combined and I am feeling so much better. If you’re on a similar journey, please share!

lifestyle journey