Getting to know me!

As I mentioned the other day, I’m part of a Latino Romance Author chain on Instagram to bring awareness to the many Latino authors that are writing romance. Today it’s time to share a little bit more about me!

My Heritage: I was born in Cuba and identify with that culture since it shaped my earliest memories, but my grandparents all came from Galicia in Spain. Galicia is unique in that it’s a Celtic Nation.

What I Write: I currently write contemporary romance and romantic suspense, but for many years I wrote vampire suspense stories! I was also the ghost writer for the Jane the Virgin Novel, Snow Falling, and my sweet contemporary romance South Beach Love was an Original Hallmark Movie in 2021.

Why I Write: I loved to read as a child and often escaped into stories of places I didn’t know and people who had amazing adventures. I want to be able to create those worlds and places for other readers so that I can bring them enjoyment, peace, humor, romance, and hopefully, a greater understanding of my culture.

One Thing About Me: I am basically shy. Yes, I hear a lot of laughter after saying that, but it took a lot of courage to learn how to be more outgoing. I’m glad I did get past my shyness since I’ve met so many fascinating people.

My Books You Should Read Now: I love my new South Beach Security romantic suspense series set in Miami. I’m excited to say that it continues with a K-9 division spinoff in May 2024. There is also The Family She Never Met which is based on my family’s experiences in coming from Cuba. I’m excited to say that it’s nominated for a Latino book award and I hope to be able to share more info on that soon.

The Chain continues tomorrow with:

    Taylor Torres @taylortorreswrites
    Andrea Gonzalez @andreagonzalezromance