Happy Boxing Day and Fury Calls

Happy Boxing Day! It’s not a holiday we celebrate in the U.S., but in the United Kingdom it’s part of the Christmas celebrations! Many people exchange gifts or take advantage of Boxing Day sales. The holiday takes its name from the practice of employers giving small gifts to their employees or servants as a way to say thanks for all their hard work during the year. in The Calling is Reborn series, Blake Williams (one of my fav characters of all time!) is Welsh and he would have celebrated Boxing Day with his family. Blake came from a very impoverished family and sacrificed a great deal for them. When you first meet him he’s hard and sarcastic but he comes into his own in Fury Calls. Word of warning: This is a very dark fantasy with violent scenes, but I love how it showcases Blake’s growth, his love for Meghan, and his loyalty to his friends. You can find Fury Calls at https://amzn.to/48sdz1N.

paranormal romance