Just hear those sleigh bells jingling!

It’s the Epiphany or Los Reyes as we call it at our house! Hanging on to Christmas just a little longer. Who wouldn’t love that? How about a grinchy bah humbug but sexy vampire whose past Christmases have been filled with pain and loss? To be honest, when my editor called me and said, “We want you to write a Christmas vampire story”, I was a little dumbfounded. Vampires and Christmas? Really? But no sooner had I said “Of course” my mind was whirling with ideas and the story for Fate Calls totally came to me! It took a lot of planning to make sure that vampire elder Hadrian had real reasons for hating Christmas so that when Connie Morales ends up on his doorstep in her Santa outfit, madly ringing her bell to raise money for charity, he has a reason to make her stop! I loved giving Hadrian his backstory, especially since it included a great deal of Roman history and also vampire elder Stacia’s backstory as well. She’s one of my favorite characters since she’s so outrageous and tortured. If you haven’t had a chance to read Fate Calls and want a taste of Christmas through the eyes of a vampire, you can download Fate Calls at https://amzn.to/488Fm7F.

vampire christmas story