Amazing Visit to the Elliott Musuem and Refuge Houses

I recently attended the wonderful Coastal Magic Convention and after took a few days to visit with a friend. We had a lovely time visiting the Navy Seal Museum (more on that next week) as well as the Elliott Museum and Refuge Houses. I’m a car buff as you might guess from automaker Owen in What Happens in Summer. In STAY THE NIGHT, my contribution to the STRENGTH & HONOR charity anthology, there’s also an emotional thread about the hero’s connection to a 1960s seafoam green Ford Falcon that was left to him by his grandfather and lovingly cared for by his wife while he is deployed overseas. The hero in that story is a Navy Seal who is coming home to a wife who is nothing like the young woman he left behind. But back to the Elliott Museum and Refuge Houses. What an amazing collection of automobiles and Florida history! While the museum doesn’t have a lot of space, they have what I guess you could call a car vending machine as you can see from the video below. You choose a car you want to see and a series of elevators, platforms, and rails bring the car down for you to view. Awesome! After we viewed the other exhibits at the Elliott, we went to their related Refuge Houses which are a series of small buildings intended to be havens for shipwrecked sailors along the Florida coast. It was so interesting to see them and the beautiful views along the coast. Turquoise waters and even a shark sighting! If you’re in the Martin County area, I highly recommend you visit. P.S. The STRENGTH & HONOR anthology is available for pre-order and all proceeds go to benefit You can find out more at