Fascinating Trip to the Seal Museum

One of the side trips that we took after the fabulous Coastal Magic Conference was to the fascinating Navy Seal Museum in Fort Pierce. It was absolutely amazing and filled with the history of the Seals, their various missions, equipment, and the sacrifices made by the Seals on behalf of this country and all of us. It was moving at times, especially since I’ve written so many books with military men, including some Navy Seals. One of those stories with a Navy Seal is Stay the Night, my military romance about a hero who has come home after six years of being deployed to a wife he doesn’t recognize anymore. It’s one of my fav stories because it’s not only sexy, it’s emotional and thought-provoking. That’s why I contributed that story to the Strength & Honor charity anthology which is raising money for the Stop Soldier Suicide organization. Before I share my photos from the Seal Museum, here’s a little blurb for the anthology!

Join 11 NYT, USA Today, and award-winning authors in helping to stop soldier suicide by picking up your copy of this uplifting and emotional anthology. The Strength & Honor anthology contains 11 short stories featuring military heroes battling their inner demons and finding their happily ever after. The anthology releases on 5/7/2024.

You can pre-order the anthology at https://books2read.com/StrengthAndHonor.

charity anthology