Monday Morning Musings

It’s Monday morning and the countdown is on to the unofficial start of the summer! I’m looking forward to long strolls on the boardwalk, sitting on the beach reading romance novels and relaxing, getting tasty ice cream cones, and lots of gardening. Combining all those things, it’s no wonder that summer is my absolute favorite time of year!

What about you? What are you looking forward to this summer?

Monday morning
P.S. – If you want to visit my home state of New Jersey, check out what to do at the NJ Visitor Guide!

Monday Morning Commute

I used to dread Monday mornings and the commute to New York City. It wasn’t a bad commute and in all fairness, NJ Transit was pretty good. I had a seat like 99% of the time and would sit, sip my coffee, and write my romance novels until I got into the city. After that, I’d do the mile or so walk to my office and I looked forward to that for many years. It was always fun to see what was happening. How are Monday mornings for you? Do you commute? Are you still working at home?
monday morning commute

Monday Morning. Dreams. Goals.

Monday morning. Goals. Dreams. Did your eyes roll or did your mind start thinking about what you wanted to do this week? I’d love to hear what plans you have. As for me, with the weather getting warmer I’ve started planting some things and prepping pots for later. I’ve got a few romance novels to write as well as a recipe book that I want to share with you since so many of you love my recipes and SOUTH BEACH LOVE is just packed with DELICIOUS food! Speaking of recipes, you can check out my Cook’s Treat section for all the recipes I’ve shared over the years.
caridad dream

Staying Positive on Monday Mornings

Monday morning blues. It’s okay, a lot of us feel that way on Mondays! To get moving, I fill up my coffee cup and haul out my planner to see what exciting things I have coming up for the week. That always makes me feel better. I want to know what you do to get yourself moving on Monday mornings! Comment below and let’s get the week going on a positive note. If you need some tips on overcoming Monday Morning Blues, visit this Healthline article on Monday Blues.
Staying positive on Monday mornings

#MondayMood – Feeling the Monday Blues

So many things to do, so little time. Our house sale is done and the move is almost completed. Now is the time to finish cleaning out things for our smaller space and to tackle new projects. For some reason all that has me feeling the Monday Blues, but I’m telling myself to stay positive. It’s a new Monday and that means a new week and new goals. Clean up more stuff. Get in more exercise. Last, but not least, work on a new writing project, a women’s fiction story, and finish up my next Intrigue book: Trapping A Terrorist which will be out in October 2021. Hope your Monday is off to a good start!

#work #motivationmonday #motivation #follow #fitness #mood #mondaymood #mondayvibes #monday #goodmorning #mondaymorning #mondaymotivation #mondayblues #mondays #happymonday #morning #inspiration

#MotivationMonday – So you want to be a writer? Do you know what to do when you get ‘The Call’?

Good morning! I hope you all had a nice weekend. I’ve heard from some people that with time on their hands, they’re finally doing something they never had time to do before: Write a book. But what do you do if the book is finished and you’re thinking about how to publish it? Whether you self-publish or follow a traditional route, it’s important to understand the publishing process and the legal terms you may encounter in a publishing contract. If you’d like more information, please join me in my workshop tonight on Contract Issues for Writers! You can register for the workshop at the International Women’s Writing Guild website at