Thoughtful Thursday – Recharging Your Batteries

batteryYou’ve probably guessed it from past posts and blogs, but I’m a Type AAA personality, always on the go and with every minute of every day planned. Why? It’s the only way I can get everything done!

Of course, that kind of constantly being on the go can be really draining at times, so I was so looking forward to my writing retreat with my friends! We met in Las Vegas and it was wonderful!

Long mornings and late nights working on our books, talking about possible plots, synopses, you name it. Breaks for luscious dinners and some shows. Even a trip to a spa that’s already going to make it into a book, along with the whole Vegas locale.

The change of pace and the focus on just a few things – namely writing and my friends – really helped to recharge my batteries and I feel totally ready to tackle both some old and new projects that I had been struggling with for a few weeks.

So, if you’re feeling like you’re in a rut or can’t seem to get past an obstacle, take a moment and try something different. Take some time off and do something you would never think to do – like a few hours at a spa! Or visit with some friends and share ideas, like we did. I know it worked wonders for me and I hope it will work wonders for you!

Thoughtful Thursday – Big Government

I’m on the road for work, so this post will be a little short, but I’d be interested in hearing what you have to say!

For starters, let me say that I’m as pissed as the rest of America about the millions paid by AIG in bonuses. What I wonder is why there is so far not so great a fuss about the billions sent overseas to various banks. But I digress.

Again, it’s very disappointing about the bonuses, but I think the disappointment and anger at AIG is misplaced for a number of reasons.

For starters, it’s not uncommon in the financial sector that people get paid a small regular salary and receive the “bonus” as part of their regular salary package. It’s upsetting now since the money is coming from taxpayer dollars, but the point is that these people negotiated these payments as part of a regular and ordinary salary practice.

If you want to blame anyone, ask yourself why it is that the Government provided billions to various financial institutions with full awareness of things like these bonuses. What the Government should have done is lay out the guidelines as to what these financial institutions could do with the monies provided and what they could not do.

The 90% tax imposed to attempt to fix that mistake, while pleasing the public that is riled, is wrong on so many levels. The tax code wasn’t written to penalize anyone and to use it for this reason is wrong.

Again I digress. What I’m trying to say is that Government has to lead by acting thoughtfully and not in haste and certainly not in reaction to public polls and opinions. What the public wants isn’t necessarily what’s right.

Government also has to lead by example. In other words, pay your share of the taxes, don’t vote yourselves a pay raise and find a way to put money back into the hands of hard-working Americans because, IMHO, Government doesn’t know how to manage money. How many times do we hear about cost overruns on Government projects, bloated administrations, $640 toilet seats and $436 hammers!

What do you think? Do you trust the Government to know how to spend all this money?

Thoughtful Thursday – The Economy

moneyI’m not normally one to dream much less remember them, but lately I have been dreaming. Or maybe it’s better to say I’ve been having worries at night and like many people, those worries revolve around money.

The market is up, although some are calling it a “dead cat bounce.” (Wonder where they got that term). In other words, the slight up phase might not last.

The Fed is printing lots of money to buy bonds. Hmm. . . . If I could print more money for my bills . . .

Anyway, there was one article the other day about how people are cutting back to save by eliminating things like house cleaning services, taking shirts to the laundry and eating out less. Estimated savings for this one family – $10,000 in a year.

A big savings. Playing devil’s advocate here – it’s also not stimulating the economy since now there’s someone with less work cleaning, laundering and cooking/serving food.

Still, I totally understand the reaction to not spend. I’ve cut back by brown bagging it everyday for lunch, finding ways of using up stuff in the pantry before buying new things, shopping at the outlets, big box stores and using coupons (well I always did those last two anyway!).

Have you changed your spending habits lately? Are there any tips you can offer for saving during these worrisome times?

Thoughtful Thursday – The Writer’s Life

Clip Art Courtesy of Kids' Turn Central(Sing this to the tune of Disney’s A PIRATE’S LIFE FOR ME (see below)!)
Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Writer’s Life for Me!
We plot and we type,
We write and rewrite,
A dreaded synopsis we seek!
We sweat and we tweak,
We cry and we freak
That dreaded synopsis we seek!

As you can tell, I’m in a silly mood today, courtesy of too little sleep and the prospect of working on the dreaded synopsis for the second book in my Grand Central Publishing Series – tentatively titled STONE COLD SINS. I have the story in my brain, much of the synopsis done and the starting chapters.

But the reality is, I so-o-o-o suck at synopses! I guess it’s just a part of a writer’s life for me (LOL!) but I wish there was some other way to do this other than writing a synopsis.

Any suggestions?

Lyrics | Disney – A Pirate’s Life For Me (Yo Ho) lyrics

Thoughtful Thursday – Baby It’s Cold Outside!

cold1This Thursday’s Thoughts are mainly about the cold, but also about how we become creatures of habit as we get older.

For example, if it’s over 30 I wear one coat. Over 40 another. Below 30 and out comes my big long coat and I add a sweatshirt underneath. When it goes below 20, as it has the past few days, I stick my head out from all the bundling and decide whether or not to do the walk to work.

Below 15 — definitely do the subway. If I do take the subway, I am totally spoiled because I walk straight into my building and never go outside in Manhattan. Which why I was surprised to see those big flurries of fat snowflakes dancing outside my window.

beachOf course, all that snow has me thinking of warmer locales because I am so not a person who loves the cold! I always tell people it’s because I’m not genetically prepared for it, having been born in Cuba.

That’s just my work habit. Then there’s my writing habit, especially over the weekend. Get up at 6 and make the coffee. Head up to my office at home, plop down on my couch, drag the blanket over me, grab the laptop and power it up. While it’s booting up, turn on the TV and look for something to have on while I write and if nothing interests me, slip in a favorite DVD. 😀

Habits. Funny ones to some people, I’m sure. What about you? You have any habits you’d like to share?

Thoughtful Thursday – Ponzi Schemes and Social Security

screamMy sis and I were having lunch the other day and got started on the topic of Madoff and the alleged Ponzi scheme he allegedly ran for several years. (Innocent until proven guilty hence the alleged comments.)

What’s a Ponzi scheme? It’s when someone is offered a high rate of return on an investment and the money paid to them comes from other investors and not from any kind of profit made by the company.

So my sis says, “You know who’s got the biggest Ponzi scheme going — the U.S. government.”

To which I went, “Huh?” (I hadn’t had enough coffee that day!)

Carmen, my sister, replied, “Social Security. Think about it. We pay and pay into the system and eventually we’ll get paid from the monies other people are paying into the system.”

Dare I say that both of us added to that comment, “Or not get paid.” Yes, many of us worry Social Security won’t be around when we reach the age where we can collect (which age seems to be getting higher and higher every time we look).

Now, practically speaking, I’m sure Social Security gets monies from other ways, such as interest, taxes, etc., but in general, it’s paying off one set of investors with money from another set of investors. To keep going, it will obviously need lots of other investors out there paying into the system unless some kind of bail out eventually occurs.

What do you think about Social Security? Has it treated you right? If you’re not yet retirement age, are you counting on it being there for you?

My thoughts on this Thoughtful Thursday and looking forward to hearing some of your thoughts on it as well.