Thoughtful Thursday – A Wise Latina Woman Once Said . . .

That wisdom has nothing to do with race, religion, ethnicity or gender.

Much is being made of Supreme Court Justice nominee Sonya Sotomayor’s 2001 comments that she “would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Much should be made of that statement because it is either a statement made with poor judgment or one made with the conviction that she is better equipped to make a decision because she is a Latina woman. Either of the rationales for the statements is troubling.

As a judge and a person in the public eye, Sotomayor should at least be more circumspect when speaking. Being a fellow lawyer, we are taught to carefully consider what we say and write. To not do so and speak thoughtlessly can lead to repercussions, witnessed here by words that are coming back to haunt her.

Being a Latina who understands the whole underdog thing — my parents came here from Cuba, I wasn’t born here and didn’t speak English when I went to kindergarten, I went to a top tier college on a scholarship and to law school — I appreciate how hard Sotomayor has worked to get where she is.

But isn’t that underdog story typical of America? Isn’t that one of the wondrous things about this country? My husband’s grandparents all came here from Italy. Barely spoke English, but learned. Worked hard to buy homes, send their kids to school. Grand kids have prospered.

It’s the American dream. Work hard and prosper. Whether you’re white, black, brown, Italian, Cuban, Irish, Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, America is the land of opportunity. Equal opportunity, sometimes not as equal as we would like, but certainly doable.

I should know. I did it. My parents did it. My husband’s grandparents did it. So did millions of others.

But back to Sotomayor. She did it and we should applaud her for it, but not just because she is a Latina woman.

You might remember that “just because” discussion from months back. The risks of making decisions based on “just because.”

When the nomination was mentioned, many people in the office looked to me and asked, “What do you think?”

I wondered, did they ask their white male counterparts right off the bat, or just me – the Latina Woman.

That’s one of the problems of “just because.” Everything you do is tainted by the “You got that (job/scholarship/nomination/published) just because you were (white, black, brown, Italian, Cuban, Irish, Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim).”

Just because diminishes you and everything you do. It diminishes those around you and builds resentment.

If we are to nominate Judge Sotomayor to the Nation’s most important Court, please let it be on the basis of something other than just because.

I, for one, intend to read more about her and her decisions and you should as well. You can click here for the White House press release. Read about some of her decisions (links provided, although I do not vouch for their authenticity nor the opinions which may be expressed therein).

And do you know what? If you take even one minute to read one of these cases, you will be one up on Harry Reid, who said, “I understand that during her career, she’s written hundreds and hundreds of opinions. I haven’t read a single one of them, and if I’m fortunate before we end this, I won’t have to read one of them.” Courtesy Politico – click here for more.

Just some thoughts for you on this rainy Thursday.

Thoughtful Thursday – Brain Drain

brainThis morning as I was thinking about what this Thoughtful Thursday’s topic might be, I was overwhelmed by the fact that it was already Thursday and that May was almost over. I thought, “Wow, time flies” and I should write about that and then thought, “Duh, you already did!”

Which of course led to today’s topic. Do you feel as if you can’t remember anything lately? That your memory is fading, draining from your brain?

Memory loss as we age is a normal occurrence and sometimes, forgetting things isn’t so much about forgetting, but about being distracted due to the many things we have to juggle. I know the first step to my not forgetting is to make a list to keep track of all those things I have to do!

When should you worry about memory loss? notes “A memory problem is serious when it affects your daily living. . . you may have a more serious problem if you have trouble remembering how to do things you’ve done many times before, getting to a place you’ve been to often, or doing things that use steps, like following a recipe.”

What can you do to help stay sharp? Newsweek offered up these suggestions in a January 2008 article:

  • 1. Go aerobic. Moderate exercise helps ward off dementia.
  • 2. Play more. Software games, puzzles, etc. help you keep your brain active.
  • 3. Increase your intake of Omega 3 fatty acids.
  • 4. Take Folic Acid.
  • 5. Treat yourself to a glass of wine each day.
  • 6. Relax. Stress produces cortisol which eats away at your memory centers.

I’m going to go practice some of these stay sharp items and do something else — make some lists of what I have to do!

Hope this Thoughtful Thursday was helpful!

Thoughtful Thursday – Banks and Capital

piggybankBanks big and small are looking for ways to raise capital. Some are selling off assets, others are slashing dividends to shareholders and many of them are trying to get injections of cash in the way of new accounts.

In the old days, banks got new accounts with giveaways like toasters, but that disappeared in the days when the 5% minimum interest rate on savings accounts went away because interest rates had soared. Gone were the giveaways since people were only too eager to plop money into an account to earn interest at such high rates.

With rates at abysmal levels like 1% or 2%, banks are back to giveaways to try and entice new accounts. As I walk past the various branches on each corner in Manhattan (which makes you wonder why there are so many branches and banks when there is so little money nowadays), there are the enticements.

Earn up to $500 for referring a friend (Citibank)
Get 5% interest and a 5% bonus (Wachovia)

Sounds good right? Until you read the fine print and see that there are several “qualifying acts” that you have to do. Set up direct deposits, make payments online, use your debit card X number of times . . .

You get it. Hoops. Lots and lots of hoops to jump through to get your giveaway.

Here’s an idea for all those banks trying to raise capital.

Give your new account holders a decent interest rate with no strings attached. I know the banks are only getting 4% to 5% on new mortgages, but there are those ridiculous interest rates you charge credit card holders.

You’re the numbers people. Surely you can find some happy medium where your clients will earn a little more by savings and you’ll still make some money from credit purchases and raise capital?

Or if you can’t figure that out, just give me the damned toaster or maybe a nice blu-ray DVD player.

What do you think?

Thoughtful Thursday – Time Flies

timeFirst of all, my apologies for not getting a Wicked Wednesday offering for you, but I ran out of time yesterday for a number of reasons.

In the morning I was busy finalizing the next vampire book – ARDOR CALLS – which will be out sometime in 2010. Then I had to pick up my daughter from school since she just finished her finals. It was a mad day of rushing around and watching time fly by.

Which brings up this Thoughtful Thursday topic – Time.

It’s been the subject of two of my favorite shows – FRINGE and LOST. Probably no wonder about that since J.J. Abrams has his hands in both shows.

But even before that I’ve been fascinated by all the theories of time – that it’s a mobius loop or that each decision we make creates a different branches of time, including one where we made a different decision. Then there’s the whole time seeming slow or fast on any given day.

For me, this year just seems to have gone whizzing by. My hubby feels the same way, so I asked my daughter on the car ride home yesterday, “Did this year seem to go slow for you?” to which she replied, “No, it just went way too fast.”

I was glad to hear she felt the same way, but that’s another theory of time. That it isn’t regular the way we think of it with minutes and hours being a set length. Some people think that a minute in time can actually take be longer or shorter which accounts for our perceptions of it being a fast or slow day.

What do you think? Next time you think the day is going fast, ask someone else? Do they feel the same way? If they do, does that mean that the 24 hours are going much faster than they really are?

Thoughtful Thursday – Points of Light

lightsI truly believe that each of us is a point of light that can make a difference in someone else’s life. Whether it’s a small donation to a cause in which you believe or giving a little bit of your time to someone else, you can help improve someone’s life.

I try to do that in a variety of ways, like participating in a writing group – – or by brainstorming with a fellow writer. By bringing you new faces to meet or by offering up some goodies for a worthwhile cause, like Brenda Novak’s auction.

Little things, but when lots of people do them, they amount to a big difference and they don’t take a lot of cash, just a small piece of yourself.

So, I leave you with that thought for today – What little thing can you do to help make a difference?

I also want to remind you that you have until midnight EST Friday to leave a comment on my friend Kathye Quick’s blog post for a chance to win a CALLING T-shirt.

Finally, please drop by to check out the items that I’ve made available at the Brenda Novak Diabetes Auction!

First there is this amazing Sabor Latino basket put together by my friend, Olga. Besides some of my novels, there are some wonderful food items as well as a lovely pair of silver earrings and matching pendant.


To bid on this item, you can click here or paste this link into your browser:

You can also bid on the following items that I’ve donated for the auction:

A signed ARC of SINS OF THE FLESH (A June 2009 release)
A signed copy of FURY CALLS
A t-shirt for SINS OF THE FLESH


Thoughtful Thursday – On taxes and tea parties . . .

teapartyFirst of all, my apologies for missing Wicked Wednesday only it was a crazy day at work and of course, even worse, it was Tax Day!

The lines at the Post Office were awful, I’m told. There were dozens in line to buy stamps to mail their tax returns and even more people dropping by to place their returns in the bins labelled for the respective tax centers in the area.

Tax day and tea parties! Now, whether you’re for or against the current tax and stimulus plans, here’s the thing . . .

You have the freedom to speak out about it. If you follow all the rules and behave responsibly, you have the right to stand up and let your voice be heard. Whether or not the politicians and media listen is a whole different thing, but it doesn’t lessen the fact that you have that freedom.

Freedom and responsibility. They go hand in hand.

My daughter and I were talking about this the other day. She’s taking a sociology course in college where they are discussing all kinds of interesting things. Political democracy. Economic democracy.

Democracy period. A fascinating concept to be sure. Wikipedia defines it as “a form of government in which power is held indirectly by citizens in a free electoral system” and goes on to offer various examples of different kinds of democracies.

The bottom line is . . .

Democracy only works if you do as well. Vote. Voice your opinions. Demand honesty from your politicians and the media. You have the freedom to do so, but more importantly, it’s your responsibility to do so.

Thoughtful Thursday – Unsocial Networking

nullI belong to a couple of social networks, namely Myspace and Facebook. Must confess to liking Facebook much more. It’s easier to use and has allowed me to catch up with lots more of my friends. I hadn’t really planned on joining, but was convinced to do so. I’m not sorry that I did, except for what I’d like to call the unsocial networking aspects of both it and Myspace.

As an author who likes to get the word out about herself, I understand that a lot of connections are made for purposes of promotion. You friend people and join groups. Post everyone now and then. Notice the every now and then part of it because at some point the strictly promo aspect becomes a little too much hence the unsocial part of it. Those daily reminders or huge Myspace comments that are little more than commercials for what you’re offering.

It’s okay to get the word out there about your work. People expect some of that when you friend someone like an author. But it’s also supposed to be about getting to know each other. Sharing what you think is fun (or not). Showing people a new side of you or pictures of interesting things. Giving people a slice of your life and seeing a slice of someone else’s. If you’re a friend, that’s what you’ll share with me and I hope that’s what I’ll share with you.

My two cents on this Thoughtful Thursday.

Also, while tomorrow is Fun Friday, it’s also Good Friday. In light of that, there won’t be a blog post tomorrow in light of the Holy Day. Look for me to post the names of the various blog winners sometime over the weekend.