#WisdomWednesday – Small Steps, Big Changes

I’ve been hearing a lot about micro-goals lately, whether in relation to dieting or any other kind of task. Without really thinking about it, it’s something I’ve been doing for a lot of my life. While thinking about the big picture, like becoming a published author, I was setting smaller more achievable goals along the way. Write a chapter and the chapters became a book. Finish the book and look for an agent. Start the next book. Small steps leading to a big change. I took the same approach with my diet. Do ten minutes on the elliptical. Walk 10,000 steps. Lose 1 pound. Each small step leading to a bigger change.

Why is that so important? Setting goals that are unrealistic only sets you up to feel like a failure. No one is going to lose 100 pounds in a month or even a few months. It takes time. The same with writing. No one is going to become a bestseller overnight. It takes time and dedication.

But if you approach that goal with small steps, it not only seems more attainable, it is more attainable. When I do workshops and people say that they can’t imagine writing a book, I ask them “Do you think you could write a page a day?” The answer is invariably yes which prompts me to say, “Well if you did that, you’d have a book in a year, right?”

I’d like to think that my helping them think about doing such a big thing in small steps might help them reach that bigger goal, namely, writing a book.

#WriteWed #WisdomWednesday – The Joy of Writing

I wrote my first book in the fifth grade when my English teacher assigned our class a project: to write a book that would be placed in a class lending library at the end of the year. The book had to be twenty typed pages and could be about absolutely anything. No grade would be assigned, but you had to do to pass the class. I went home and started writing and haven’t really stopped since. Sure there were interruptions here and there, but there was never any doubt that I would write because writing gives me immense joy. The process of it and of course, sharing it with you! I found this quote from Gloria Steinem which I think truly sums up my feeling about writing.

#WisdomWednesday – The more things change…

The more they stay the same? It’s already been a different Thanksgiving and now it’s going to be a very different Christmas. Unlike Christmas’s of the past, we won’t have all our family with us in person, but I know they will be with us in spirit. We’re in a smaller home so the massive Christmas village I normally put together has been pared down and adapted to deal with our new space. So different, but the same in some ways. Today I’m sharing some photos of the new Christmas village which is now spread out across the one floor of our new place. What do you think?

#WisdomWednesday – Burn After Reading?

As a writer, I am very conscious of word choices because they can make all the difference in the meaning of a sentence. We could say “Caridad flip-flopped on her decision to write a historical romance.” Or we could say “Caridad reconsidered her decision to write a historical romance.” See what I mean? The first is negative and the second positive just by changing a few words. I see that happen a lot, especially in the news, and people don’t seem to consider what prompted that word choice or what is really beyond the headlines. Without really reading and considering, a truth is created and repeated. That’s a very dangerous precedent for our future. So take the time to read, both books and the news. Take the time to digest what you read and how it’s being said because it makes all the difference in how you view something. It makes all the difference in reaching the truth behind the words.
book burning fake news

#WisdomWednesday – The Power of Books

Authors put a lot of themselves in books with the hope that you’ll lose yourself in that book. But that book may also tell you a bit about the author and more importantly, about yourself. So lose yourself in a book today and maybe find yourself as well!

#WisdomWednesday – Kind Words to Those With Different Opinions

It troubles me greatly to see the kind of vitriol, and even violence sometimes, that is happening just because someone has a different opinion or belief. Whatever happened to agreeing to disagree? Whatever happened to being respectful to each other? I see people calling others anuses, stupid, ignorant, or worse just because they don’t share your view of the world. What does that accomplish besides sowing the seeds of hate? We may not think the same, but there’s no reason why we can’t be kind to each other. We lose nothing by being kind, but we make the world a worse place by not doing so.

#WisdomWednesday – Living with Fear

I know a lot of people are afraid right now about all that’s happening. The riots. The pandemic. Unemployment. The economy. So many things that it’s overwhelming. I feel that way sometimes as well, but as I was driving home the other day from the grocery, I passed a church that had this message: Fear does not stop death…It stops life.
How true and not just at times like today. I’ve often been in situations where my fear of something held me back and I had to battle to overcome it and move on with my life. If you’re fearful, hang in there. If you’re feeling totally overwhelmed, reach out to someone for help. Hoping for better times for all of us.