#WisdomWednesday – Giving Thanks

I blogged a short while ago about practicing gratitude and there is no more appropriate holiday for that than Thanksgiving. Since like many I’ll be busy cooking in the morning, I wish to take this moment to thank you all for visiting with me and I’d like share all for which I’m grateful, namely:

My wonderful family that has grown by many this year with the addition of the wonderful Egli family.

My amazing friends who are always so supportive.

My truly wonderful agent and editors.

My health.

Our military, law enforcement, and first responders. God keep them safe.

Last but never least, the great and fabulous United States of America. God Bless America.

Original Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

#WisdomWednesday – Gratitude and Giving Thanks

As I dashed through the stores right before Halloween to get ready for the trick-or-treaters and finish wedding preparations, it was impossible to miss that EVERYONE already had Christmas items for sale. Sigh. Don’t get me wrong. I love Christmas and all that goes with it, including keeping it about family and the arrival of the baby Jesus.

But I don’t like that we are passing over one of the most important and thoughtful holidays – Thanksgiving. The name says it all and in truth, we shouldn’t limit giving thanks to once a year. Each and every day we should think about all that we have to be thankful for in our lives. That practice of gratitude is one that can be life-altering and bring you a more positive outlook. For more on that, you can check out this page on 31 benefits of gratitude – http://bit.ly/33z5gjy.

Personally I try to thank God every night for all that I have although I do confess to falling asleep many times before I do that, but I try. For now, here is a non-exhaustive list of all the things for which I am grateful:

    My family
    My friends
    Being in this amazing and great Nation
    My health
    My writing

How about sharing some of the things for which you are grateful!
Live your day with a grateful heart
Original Image by kordula vahle from Pixabay

#WisdomWednesday – Hold Fast to Your Dreams

There are many times in a writer’s life where you wonder, “Why do I do this?” I always tell myself, “Because it’s your dream!”

It’s hard to separate that from the business end of things sometimes, especially if you rely on writing for your income (as I will be doing shortly!) But no matter what, you have to remember that it’s your passion for writing, your dream, that will keep you going.
Hold fast to dreams

Bird Image by Ina Hoekstra from Pixabay

#WisdomWednesday – Always Be Kind

There’s been a loss of civility in this country and I don’t want to get into who is to blame because quite frankly both sides are to blame. It’s okay for people to not all agree on the same thing. Despite that, we need to be civil to each other and respect each other’s opinions. The right to different opinions is what this country is all about. But always remember one thing: Always Be Kind. No matter how much you may not agree, Always Be Kind. My mom used to say “Always be the bigger person” and I try to live by that no matter what nasty names people may call me or how they might act. At the end of the day, I will be civil and I will always be kind.

always be kind
Original Image by Ellen Chan from Pixabay

#WisdomWednesday – Time to Refill the Well

There’s a Spanish saying that goes like this: Gota a gota la fuente se agota. Loosely translated it means “Drop by drop the well runs dry.”

I’ve hit dry and it’s time for me to take a moment and refill my well. That means some of the projects I planned on finishing these past few months will have to wait until the start of next year when I’ll have lots more time to work on them. It’s been hard for me to accept that, especially since so many of my friends tease me that I’m Wonder Woman, but I’ve got too many things going on and I don’t want to give anything short shrift.

That is a major decision for me, but one that had to be made for me to keep my sanity and also, to give you the best possible stories that I can bring to the table. So look for more vampire stories and #3 At the Shore in the beginning of next year after I’ve had a chance to re-focus and refill my creative well.

Original Image by David Mark from Pixabay

#WisdomWednesday – Never Forget 9-11

It seems hard to believe that it’s been 18 years since the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. So many lives lost then and now, as our First Responders and other NYC residents in lower Manhattan battle 9-11 related illnesses. Never forget that radical Islamic extremists attacked us that day and continue to want to do us and our allies harm with their twisted religious views. God bless those we lost and those who rushed in to help others. God bless the USA and keep her safe from those who would do her harm. Thank you to all our First Responders and our military men, women, and families who sacrifice so much to keep us safe.
September 11th

#WisdomWednesday – You can lose a battle, but still win the war!

I did a video log about two weeks ago about how hard August was proving with my weight loss goals. Much harder than July which I expected to be far worse what with two conferences sandwiched in the middle of the month. August was a bear. Work, writing deadlines, and workout disruptions all had me barely losing anything in the first two weeks. It was truly depressing. Worse, I found myself slipping into that self-destructive mode I’ve experienced more than once and which usually leads to me gaining back all the weight I’ve lost. After wallowing in potato chips, baked potatoes, and bread, I decided that this time would be different. I might be losing the battle in August, but I was going to win the war in the end because I want to be healthier. Armed with that, I yanked myself out of that wallow and somehow managed to lose 3.2 pounds in August. Not the five pounds I wanted to lose, but not a weight gain either. I’m happy with that and determined to keep on going. I also had some good news since at my yearly physical I got great results with all my work-ups. I’m basically healthy as a horse and plan on getting even better! Thanks to all of you for following along on my lifestyle journey. If you’ve got news about your journey, please take a moment to share.

Original Dumbbell Image by Mac Kenzie from Pixabay