Thoughtful Thursday – Mixed Messages

Image Courtesy of Microsoft Word Clip ArtSome of the local papers this morning are talking about the message of hope that Senator Obama brings to minorities. I wonder why none of them are talking about the message of futility that his nomination brings to a group that is a majority in number, but a minority in terms of power.

Wondering who I’m talking about? I’m talking about women. According to 2006 estimates from the U.S. census bureau, women account for 50.7 % of the population.

Want to know how many women have ever served in Congress as either Representatives or Senators? Click here for the list. According to the official Congressional website at, “Since 1917, when Representative Jeannette Rankin of Montana became the first woman to serve in Congress, 244 more women have served as U.S. Representatives or Senators.”

How many women are currently serving in Congress? Click here for the list. According to the official website, “Eighty-nine of the 245 women who have served in Congress are current Members—74 in the House and 16 in the Senate.”

89 women out of 535 Representatives and Senators (click here for the breakdown on how many in each part of Congress.)

Doing the math, that means that roughly 17% of our Congress is female while women are 50.7% of the population.

I don’t know about you, but the political system seems like an Old Boys Network to me and the numbers are doing little to change that idea as is the recent experience with Senator Clinton. Before I continue, I want to make it clear that my intent is not to bash anyone or to support anyone. Rather, it’s a discussion on gender in politics in a very general sense.

Think about how many times the media referred to the emotions Senator Clinton showed on the campaign trail. I guess the point of that was to show that there’s no crying in politics?

Think about how many times Senator Clinton was referred to as Mrs. Clinton.

Think about how many times Senator Clinton was referred to as “Hilary.”

Going a little further with that last one, for those in office environments, ask yourself whether the men are generally referred to as “Mr. So-and-So” or by their first names. Then ask yourself how often women are referred to solely by their first names.

What does use of just a first name say? It’s definitely a sign of familiarity and you know that old saying about what familiarity brings. But when the men are Mr. and the women are familiar, isn’t that a subtle sign that one is on a higher level than the other?

Same thing with stripping the “Senator” title and using “Mrs.”. It’s a stripping way of the power behind the title. It’s a reduction in status.

Taking it to the next step. How many times have you heard that women have to work harder for less pay than a man in a comparable position?

So why is it that as a physical majority women lack political power? Or maybe you don’t agree with that and if not, I’d love to hear your take on things.

Just some thoughts for you to consider.

Thoughtful Thursday – The Office Fridge

Photo courtesy of microsoft office clip artThose of you who work outside the home understand the dreaded words “The Office Fridge”.

I went to get some milk for my coffee this morning and there were two hard-boiled unshelled eggs there in a small plastic container. At least, I think they were eggs. The only remaining white part was where the boiled egg white was in contact with the plastic lid, thereby confirming to me the message in those Foodsaver commercials that air does weird things to food.

The rest was of the eggs were a weird brown color and I think one of them may have winked at me!

Of course, I dared not look at the rest of the fridge nor breathe since it seems like it’s time for that bimonthly emptying and major scrub down that occurs to remove the food that has now seemingly turned into someone’s science experiment.

I always wonder if the poor cleaning person wears a Hazmat suit for that task.

Unfortunately, those who deal with Office Fridges know that the science experiment part is only the tip of the iceberg. There’s the Office Fridge Thief who steals people’s lunches or worse yet — just takes a bite and PUTS IT BACK!! I kid you not.

Considering that our Office Fridge is in a fairly visible and trafficked area, you wonder how the Office Fridge Thief manages it. You also wish that one day that person would take a bite out of one of those science experiments.

So, have you had similar experiences with your Office Fridge? Did your fridge at home provide an unexpected surprise one day? Share the uglies this morning with us!

On a parting note, check out the cool countdown widget I created for FURY CALLS, the next book in THE CALLING Vampire series which will be out in March 2009. You can click here to download the code for the widget and post it on your sites/Myspace pages! Send me a screen print of it once it’s on your site or a link to the site with the widget and I’ll send the first 50 people who do so a CALLING t-shirt!

Get this widget!

Tuesday Tip – The Birds, the Bees and the Butterflies

Photo Courtesy of Microsoft Word Clip ArtThe birds, the bees and the butterflies surely have you thinking about certain things, but this Tuesday Tip is not about sex, but rather, bringing birds, bees and butterflies into your garden!

If you want to enjoy the sights and sounds of birds, a bird feeder and bird bath are the easiest way to bring birds into your area. What kinds of birds will depend on where you are geographically, but also on the kind of food you put out. Song birds and finches love thistle, millet and smaller seeds. Cardinals love sunflower seeds. Click here for info on choosing the right food and feeder.

Keep fresh water around for the birds that visit. If you’re using a bird bath, make sure to change the water frequently. Providing homes for birds is also beneficial. We have two small birdhouses beneath a wisteria arbor and for the last ten years, we’ve had the same birds return to nest. They are tiny beautiful little songbirds and quite amusing to watch.

Buddleia flower with Peacok and Painted Lady butterflies. Photo by w:User:Jimfbleak at WikipediaButterflies are beautiful in the garden. The single best plant that I’ve put in the garden is a purple butterfly bush. Toward the end of the summer when it is in bloom, I have dozens of butterflies flitting amongst the flowers as well as some bees. Also choose brightly colored flowers to attract both butterflies and hummingbirds. Pink, purple and blue flowers are the best ones for drawing in butterflies. Remember to not use pesticides on the plants!

As for bees, they are one of the best pollinators you can have in the garden, but there is a serious decline in the U.S. bee population. In my own garden, I see a lot less bees in the area of plants that used to see a lot of bee activity.

How can you make your garden bee-friendly. Leave some areas free of mulch so that bees can build nests below-ground. Have large patches of plants with flowers and make sure there are blooms all summer long. Like some birds, bees seem to gravitate toward blues, purples and pinks in the garden. Also, do not use pesticides on the flowers. Finally, have an area where bees can get some water. Click here to check out a list of bee-friendly plants.

Hope this will help your summer months be filled with the beautiful B’s — birds, bees and butterflies!

On another note — Carol G is the winner of the Women, Words and Wisdom blog contest. Please email me your postal address so I can send your prize.

Women, Words and Wisdom Blog Tour and a Contest!

Women, Words and Wisdom Blog Tour!Today’s the Day! My Women, Words and Wisdom story. When I first heard about the topic, I had no doubt what I was going to write about . . . my mom and the lessons she taught me.

Actually, one lesson in particular — That you could accomplish anything in life if you worked hard enough and never gave up.

My mom knew about never giving up. When she lived in Cuba, she didn’t like Batista so she helped make a change. When that change didn’t work out the way she envisioned, she tried to undo what she had done. That forced her into exile, but worse yet, had her making a very difficult decision — ending up in jail or leaving her two young daughters behind in Cuba while she fled to the United States.

When I mean young, I really mean young. I was just over two years old and my little sister was six months old. Even before I was old enough to have a child of my own, I understood how difficult a choice that must have been. Your life or leaving behind the things you loved most.

But my mom did it. And in the years that followed, she not only taught my sister and I that we could accomplish anything we wanted, she showed us by doing the same. She worked hard, struggling against a lot of odds back in the early sixties.

For starters, people didn’t want Cubans in their apartment buildings or neighborhoods even though they loved watching Ricky and Lucy. That kind of acceptance was mostly on the television tube. Mostly because there were some very kind people as well. Kindness overcame intolerance, a lesson also learned.

Mom was a working woman, something more common in the Sixties than in the Fifties, but certainly not as common as it is today. Worse, she was a woman in a man’s world — the legal profession.

But she persevered and worked hard. She pursued and obtained the American Dream — a house in the suburbs, car and college for her kids. Education was something she firmly believed in for her children because she believed, as had her dad, that they can take everything you own away from you, but they can’t take what’s in your mind. That’s yours forever.

So by example and by word, mom tattooed in my brain to never give up and always work hard. It’s something that’s served me well in my life. When things don’t necessarily go my way, I stop and ask myself, “Is this something I really want? Is this what’s best for me and my family?”

If the answer is yes — I go for it. Wholeheartedly and with every fiber of my being. Some say I’m mad crazy driven and they’re probably right. I’m my mother’s daughter and I know that I can accomplish anything that I desire if I persevere.

In the publishing world, that’s an especially good attitude. My friend Lara Rios blogged during the tour about Wisdom Applied to Writing and had Persistence as a necessary trait for writers as well as for all other aspects of your life. So true.

Persistence. Perseverance. Couple them with hard work. It equals Heart to me. It’s what keeps you always reaching for your dreams.

So I leave you those thoughts today from a very wise woman — my mom. I also have a special gift to you from me and from another friend who understands the words persistence and perseverance — Berta Platas.

Long before Indiana Jones found the Crystal Skull, six remarkable women came together and became the Skull Sisters. I had been working on this concept with some good friends and Berta and I were on the verge of selling the Skull Sisters series when the publisher decided to close the line!

Perseverance, I tell myself. We haven’t given up hope that one day this series will be acquired. For now, enjoy some action and adventure with some totally kick-ass heroines and the mystical crystal skulls. Be sure to pop over to Berta’s Blogspot to read from her story in the series!

Don’t forget that coupled with those thoughts, we’ve got a contest going on! Leave a message on this blog to win a prize of a complete collection of the SOUTH BEACH CHICAS books as well as a HOLIDAY WITH A VAMPIRE color t-shirt!

And don’t forget to check out all the other stops on the tour for their stories and prizes (look at the end of this post for the other stops!). I hope you enjoy reading from all these amazing women.

So last but not least, here’s the extra special Women, Words and Wisdom Free read — an excerpt from Book One in the Skull Sisters series! You can visit for more info on the series.

Chapter 1


Sara Mendoza had taken no more than a step or two from the temple excavation when an explosion rocked the structure behind her.

She hurtled through the air, arms and legs flailing. A huge fireball from the detonation chased after her. As she neared her objective — a strategically placed crash mat — Sara tucked tight, preparing to absorb the blow from the landing. At the speed she traveled, the mat could be as hard as cement.

Her shoulder connected with the foam, but she maintained her natural momentum by rolling. Then that sixth sense that had served her so well in the past kicked in. Something was different from the earlier rehearsals.

Flattening instead of continuing with her controlled tumble, Sara raised her hand in anticipation of the blow. A tingle danced along her fingertips a second before sizzling heat skimmed along her body. A large piece of fiery debris sailed past her. With a dull thud, part of the scaffolding from around the excavation landed only a few feet away. It was a section that shouldn’t have come off the set.

The trio of pullers who had been busy helping her fly through the air thanks to the harness at her waist now quickly rushed forward with fire extinguishers to keep the crash mat from igniting.

Sara rose and stretched to work a kink out of her back. Reaching behind her, she undid the shackle which attached the cable to the harness beneath her shirt. Seeing that her co-workers had things under control, she hurried toward the trailer reserved for the stunt crew’s use. The RV was set quite a ways back from the temple built by the film crew in the Puerto Rican jungle.

She had one more scene to shoot today. She needed to mentally prepare and eventually change into the duplicate wardrobe that matched what the heroine of the movie would later be wearing. Plus — although she would deny it if anyone
asked — she was a little shaken about how close she had come to being pancaked by the flaming piece of the set.

“That was awesome, Sara. Way cool,” said the new assistant, a young man who was more boy than man and hoped to break into the business.

She forced a smile while they walked along and the assistant continued to carry on about her luck during her recent exploit. Her past luck during such feats had made her famous throughout the industry. No stunt was too hard or too dangerous for Sara Mendoza. The amazing part was that after nearly four years in the business, she was still in one piece, uninjured except for the occasional minor bump, bruise or road rash.

She snapped her hand up to silence the overeager assistant. “Gracias, Billy. Let’s just concentrate on the next one.” She hated the talk. Not that she was superstitious, but acknowledging her luck was almost like tempting the gods to remind her that she was human. Humans broke and bled and worse.

Right now soreness gradually awakened in the shoulder that had absorbed the brunt of the landing’s force. She opened the door to the trailer, but stopped the young assistant as he went to enter. “Do you think you can scrounge up an ice pack for my shoulder?”

“Do you need to see the doc? Is it bad?” he asked, almost too eagerly.

“An ice pack will do. Gracias.”

He scurried away, and she took a deep breath and entered the trailer.

Once inside, she walked to the small refrigerator, grabbed a can of Pepsi, and slugged down a good portion of the soda. Bracing her shaky hands along the counter in the kitchenette, she thought about the fact that she had just survived a close call. Not her first, but nevertheless scary.

Weakness slowly crept into her limbs along with a chill. A byproduct of the adrenaline rush from doing the stunt, she told herself, and finished off her drink. Combined with a little rest and some meditation to center herself, she would be ready for the next stunt later that afternoon.

A knock came at the door. Billy with the ice pack, she remembered, walked to the door and opened it.

His face was in shadow as he stood in the entryway, but Sara would have known it was Matt even if it was pitch black.

“Heard you had a slight problem,” Matt said.

Great, she thought. The shittiness of her day was now complete.

“I’m fine,” she said with a shrug, then grimaced at the twinge of pain and rubbed her shoulder.

Matt instantly moved to her side and eased away the collar of her shirt to expose the reddened spot at the top of her shoulder. Gently he ran his hand over the area and said, “I’ve already seen the crash mat and heard what the crew had to say. That’s not my idea of fine.”

She jerked back from his touch, flinching at the slight pain it created in her shoulder. “It’s nothing to worry about, ‘Mom’.”

“I checked and double-checked everything. That piece of the set shouldn’t have — ”

“Come off? We both know the unexpected can happen during a stunt. So just leave it alone already,” she nearly shouted, tired of Matt’s overprotective smothering. No one would intentionally rig the set to cause harm. Everyone on the crew was almost like family. None had a grudge to settle. At least, not that she knew, but in a cut throat business like Hollywood, anything was possible.

Matt clearly thought the accident might have been something else, but then again, Matt had been in paranoid mode since an accident on the set nearly two years earlier had badly injured him. He had been lucky to survive, but their relationship hadn’t. The stress and fear that remained with him after the incident had made it impossible for them to stay together.

Sara sensed that Matt itched to dredge up their battle about her stunt work. But instead he just stood there as she removed her shirt, followed by her black jeans to expose the flying harness. The main part of the harness encircled her waist snugly, while two straps slipped down and around the uppermost portion of her thighs. They were there to keep the harness from being jerked out of place during the stunt.

She tried to ignore Matt, who seemed disinclined to leave, but it proved difficult. Too much history joined them. A funny thing really. Matt had been the one to introduce her to the business. He had taught her much of what she knew. Had become her first lover.

Her hands fumbled with the webbing of one buckle and suddenly he stood there, brushing her hands aside.

He loomed over her, close to a foot taller than her own 5’4″ height. Broad-shouldered and still well-muscled despite the fact that he was now normally a stunt coordinator rather than an active participant.

She wouldn’t look at him while he undid the safety binding as easily as he had once undressed her. Caressed her.

She refused to notice the slight tremble in his hands when he accidentally brushed her skin with the back of his hand as he undid the second buckle and main lacings of the equipment.

The harness slipped off and Matt grasped it. She rushed to the opposite side of the trailer and grabbed her robe off a hook. Belting it securely, she turned and watched Matt check the equipment carefully, making sure that it was still in usable condition.

“It worked just fine.” She wished he would leave so she could get a little respite from his presence and prepare herself mentally for the next stunt.

“It’s great that the harness worked fine. What about the friggin’ piece of lumber that nearly flattened you? Was that fine as well?”

“I’m in once piece, Matt. That’s all that matters.” Despite saying that, she was a little spooked. Matt was right about one thing — he ran a tight ship where accidents rarely happened. She would have to keep a close eye on the preparations for the other stunts which remained to make sure no one was up to no good.

Meeting Matt’s gaze, she faked unconcerned and said, “There’s nothing to worry about.”

Matt nodded and seemed about to say something, but an angry buzz from her phone as it rested on the table prevented it.

She grabbed the cell phone and even though unfamiliar with the number showing up on the caller id, answered in order to avoid continuing the fight with Matt. “Sara Mendoza.”

“Ms. Mendoza? This is Detective Alvarez from the Huntington Beach PD. There’s been an incident at your home.”

Check out the rest of the tours on the Women, Words and Wisdom Blog tour:

May 19 – Mary Castillo (
May 20 – Barbara Ferrer (
May 21 – Lara Rios (
May 22 – Mayra Calvani (
May 23 – Caridad Pineiro (
May 24 – Jamie Martinez (
May 25 – Berta Platas (
May 26 – Tracy Montoya (
May 27 – Kathy Cano-Murillo (
May 28 – Misa Ramirez (

Also — the winner of the contest at Marya Calvani’s blog is ZULMARA! Congrats. Please contact Mayra for your prize.

Thoughtful Thursday – Cliffhangers, Character Assassinations and Continuity

Photo Courtesy of Microsoft Clip ArtAs you may have realized by now, I am a TV junkie and so today’s Thoughtful Thursday is about some happenings in my favorite shows and the cliffhangers and character assassinations that effect the continuity of those shows.

For starters —

STOP IF YOU WATCH NCIS, BONES OR CRIMINAL MINDS and haven’t seen the season finales. THERE WILL BE SPOILERS in this post!!

Okay, you’ve been warned . . .

I’m watching the two part NCIS and never saw it coming. A good thing I guess, except . . . Did we ever have a clue before the show the other night that Jenny Shepard was dying from some kind of wasting disease? Did I sleep through that (my family will likely say YES!) Truly character assassination and I will miss Lauren Holly because romantic optimist that I am, I kept on hoping her and Gibbs would reunite.

But if that wasn’t enough (especially after they killed off the other female agent a few years back just when it was getting good with DiNozzo), they end the show by transferring out all of the major characters. HUH?? They pulled a HOUSE?

I didn’t much care for it in HOUSE when we lost most of the regular cast that we had grown to know. I’m not sure how NCIS will start off the next season, but it would sure be damned disappointing if we didn’t have Ziva, Dinozzo and McGee back as regulars because without them, the show is losing continuity much like HOUSE lost continuity. To be honest, HOUSE used to be a do not miss and now, I have a backload of DVR’d episodes to watch since I lost interest with some of these new characters.

In CRIMINAL MINDS, the show ends with each of the characters getting into the similar black Suburban SUVs and then fade to a shot of one of them blowing up! So who is dead? Who knows? Will it be the newly pregnant and about to be happy one, the dour one, the quirky one . . . You get it (Sorry, but I tend to forget their names on this show. Maybe not a good thing).

I wonder why the writers feel they need to do these shake-ups? Do they assume the fans don’t want continuity? Do they think the show needs some new blood?

One of the things I admired most about Buffy was how in general, the characters grew with each show and season. We learned more and more about their strengths and weaknesses. What led them to where they are and how they will take that knowledge and move forward with it — in their careers and their lives.

With new characters we don’t get that. We lose all continuity and all the time we’ve invested in these characters (not much different from books and series in print).

BONES at least has seemed to strike a better note with its season finale. We lost a favorite and yet that loss will certainly prompt the other characters to reconsider not only what they knew about him, but about themselves. Already Hodgins is questioning how his actions may have led a friend astray. Bones is wondering what she gave Zak and maybe will wonder how much she gives of herself to others (I hope). The relationship with Bones and Seeley has certainly progressed, making all of us romantic optimists salivate at what will come next season.

Now that’s what I call a good cliffhanger!

Women, Words and Wisdom Blog Tour!
Don’t forget to join me tomorrow, May 23, for my contribution to the Women, Words and Wisdom blog and the related contest.

Leave a message on tomorrow’s blog to win a prize of a complete collection of the SOUTH BEACH CHICAS books as well as a HOLIDAY WITH A VAMPIRE color t-shirt! Here’s the line up for the tour and I hope you enjoy hearing words of wisdom from these amazing women.

And don’t forget to check out all the other stops on the tour for their stories and prizes!

May 19 – Mary Castillo (
May 20 – Barbara Ferrer (
May 21 – Lara Rios (
May 22 – Mayra Calvani (
May 23 – Caridad Pineiro (
May 24 – Jamie Martinez (
May 25 – Berta Platas (
May 26 – Tracy Montoya (
May 27 – Kathy Cano-Murillo (
May 28 – Misa Ramirez (

Wicked Wednesday – Women, Words and Wisdom!

Women, Words and Wisdom Blog Tour!This Wednesday I’m going to do something different, namely, ask you to pop on over to my long time friend Lara Rios’s blog for her Women, Words and Wisdom story and contest! Lara’s story and contest can be found at

Please take a moment to visit my with my other friends and fellow authors at their blog sites (listed below).

The come and visit with me on May 23rd! Anyone who leaves a comment on this blog on May 23rd will win a complete collection of the SOUTH BEACH CHICAS books as well as a HOLIDAY WITH A VAMPIRE color t-shirt! Here’s the line up for the tour again and I hope you enjoy hearing words and stories of wisdom from these amazing women.

May 19 – Mary Castillo (
May 20 – Barbara Ferrer (
May 21 – Lara Rios (
May 22 – Mayra Calvani (
May 23 – Caridad Pineiro (
May 24 – Jamie Martinez (
May 25 – Berta Platas (
May 26 – Tracy Montoya (
May 27 – Kathy Cano-Murillo (
May 28 – Misa Ramirez (

Women, Words and Wisdom Blog Tour and a Contest!

Women, Words and Wisdom Blog Tour!Today you are getting a double dose of blog, since besides the Guilty Pleasures that will shortly follow, I’m spreading the good news about a totally awesome Women, Words and Wisdom Blog Tour as well as a contest!

Visit my with my friends and fellow authors at their blog sites and come and visit with me on May 23rd! Anyone who leaves a comment on this blog on May 23rd will win a complete collection of the SOUTH BEACH CHICAS books as well as a HOLIDAY WITH A VAMPIRE color t-shirt! Here’s the line up for the tour and I hope you enjoy hearing words of wisdom from these amazing women.

May 19 – Mary Castillo (
May 20 – Barbara Ferrer (
May 21 – Lara Rios (
May 22 – Mayra Calvani (
May 23 – Caridad Pineiro (
May 24 – Jamie Martinez (
May 25 – Berta Platas (
May 26 – Tracy Montoya (
May 27 – Kathy Cano-Murillo (
May 28 – Misa Ramirez (