#MotivationMonday – Find a Fitness Buddy & Make it Fun!

Sorry about being absent last week, but I caught some kind of bug and it really laid me low. So low I wasn’t able to keep up with my regular exercise routine for most of the week. I was back at it a little yesterday with a slow walk on the treadmill which was about as much as I could handle. Hopefully, I’ll improve each day this week.

Today’s Motivation Monday is about keeping to some kind of fitness schedule and by fitness I mean “activity” in any way, shape or form. One of the things I’ve done in the last year in my desire for a new healthier lifestyle is to be more active. You may wonder why, but I’m sure you’ve heard that sitting is this generation’s smoking.

It’s just not healthy to not be mobile. So if you can help it, be more active. I’ve found that one way to accomplish that is to have a fitness buddy. In my case, it’s my hubby. We go to the Y together most days and keep each other honest. It’s rare that we both don’t want to go and on the weekends, we’ve both found things we like to do that are active. For him, it’s a long jog and for me, it’s a long walk.

My daughter and her new hubby have also paired up to be more active and have started their own fun way of doing it. They’ve set up challenges they undertake based on what happens in the latest Hallmark Christmas movie they are watching. For example, if one of the leads says “Christmas” they have to do 10 jumping jacks. Other actions lead to other exercises. Fun right?

That’s another important component of a new fitness regimen: Fun because if you don’t like what you’re doing you’re less likely to keep it up!

So, that’s my two cents on this Motivation Monday. I hope they help you on your journey to a healthier you!
Motivation Monday Fitness Buddies and Fun
Original Bikers Image by skeeze from Pixabay