#FreebieFriday – HONOR CALLS on Kindle Unlimited

Happy Friday! I am so excited about the re-release of HONOR CALLS, one of the novellas in The Calling is Reborn Vampire novels. This story features vampire slayer Michaela and FBI ADIC Jesus Hernandez and it’s a very emotional and sexy story that sets up Jesus and Michaela’s full story in DIE FOR LOVE. In HONOR CALLS you get to see the vampire underground in New York City and experience how Jesus doesn’t believe in things that go bump in the night until he sees Michaela stake a vampire right before his eyes. Even then it’s hard for him to accept what’s right before his eyes, but he can’t ignore it or Michaela who intrigues him on multiple levels. If you’d like to check out HONOR CALLS, it’s free over at Kindle Unlimited. You can find it at https://amzn.to/33nXtru. If you do read it, please take a moment to leave an honest review as these really do help authors.