A Birthday Gift from Nature

About three years ago I bought an orchid because it was an unusual one. It wasn’t in bloom when I got it and it took about six months before it bloomed. There were only a few blooms on it and I waited and waited for more. Fast forward two years and I finally am seeing it bloom again right near my birthday! A lovely gift from nature especially since I’m not a patient person and was close to giving up on this orchid ever blooming again. Sharing this photo of the very first bloom. Isn’t it pretty? Also, don’t forget to enter my Birthday Giveaway at https://bit.ly/CaridadBirthdayGiveaway for a chance to win some awesome goodies including a $25 gift card! Hope you have a great Friday! We’re off to the Philly Flower Show today and I hope to share some photos from there soon!

happy friday