Cari and Abuela

Today’s Throwback Thursday is to me as a baby and my wonderful abuela, my grandmother Nieves. I was actually named after her as my real first name is Caridad de las Nieves. When I became a citizen I had to change that since I couldn’t have a compound first name and so I became just Caridad, or Cari as my family and Latin friends call me. My grandmother was an amazing woman. When my mom and dad had to leave us behind in Cuba, my maternal grandparents had to care for my sister and me and they did so for nearly two years until my parents could arrange for us to enter the U.S. My grandparents lived with us and it was a wonderful experience to have their many years of knowledge to learn from and also, a very different kind of life since they came from a small aldea in Spain. I was lucky to have my abuela in my life for as long as I did.