Greetings from Seoul, Korea!

As I write, I am in a small apartment in the Itaewon section of Seoul, Korea fighting off major jet lag! LOL! I left for Korea with my daughter and two of her friends who love all things Korean. I, too, love Korean things and plan on setting my next romantic suspense in this lovely city and country. Our adventure began when we left NYC yesterday for an uneventful 15-hour flight. Yes, 15 hours non-stop. It seemed long after the first four hours but once sleep kicked in, the time flew by. We were surprised at our arrival to find that my daughter’s long-distance friend was actually at the terminal with her family since they came to pick up a friend who was visiting. It was so nice to meet the young woman in person and we were able to converse in a common language: Spanish. She’s been studying it for several years and is quite fluent in it! Later this week we are going to visit with her family and her mom is going to give us a cooking lesson as we were unable to book one through any of the local tours. Can’t wait! Since jet lag has prevented us from sleeping, we decided to watch the sunrise from our rooftop deck before embarking on a day of exploring Seoul. Stay tuned for more pictures and updates.