Books, Reviews, and Love

When you leave a positive review for an author, it gives them the courage to keep on writing! So, please leave a review when you can! That’s why I do a shoutout to the generous readers who take the time to read a book and leave that encouragement in the form of a review. Today’s shoutout is to RT Book Reviews. RT and its reviewers were always a source of support and friendship. Thank you for this amazing 4.5 star review of The Fifth Kingdom!

“This story is an Indiana Jones-style thrill ride infused with just the right amount of romance and sexual tension–The mystery, the family dynamic and the love story all blend together perfectly in this delightful adventure. Who needs Harrison Ford when you’ve got a tale like this?”

You can read The Fifth Kingdom for free on Kindle Unlimited at, or sign up for my newsletter at and download it for free. Don’t want to do either? The Fifth Kingdom is specially priced for 99 cents until 12/31/2023!

book review