Spring Ahead and Lose Some Sleep

It’s that time of year when we spring ahead from falling back in fall. I hate losing that hour of sleep but I so love having that “extra” sunlight at the end of the day. It makes me want to do so much more. So does the warmer weather. I live for being out in the yard planting my flower and vegetable plants or harvesting sun-warmed tomatoes when they’re ripe. There’s nothing like the taste of a Jersey tomato fresh from the garden. What about you? Do you think losing the extra hour of sleep is worth that hour of light later in the day? P.S. – The sunset is Miami is later than the sunset in New Jersey because of the tilt of the Earth and its proximity to the sun! I guess that gives South Beach Security more daylight for solving crimes like those in Brickell Avenue Ambush where the secrets of a dangerous ex-husband could risk the lives of dozens. To find out more, please visit https://amzn.to/434lPnl.