#MotivationMonday – Keeping to Old Goals and Setting New Ones

Another tough week with holiday meals and celebrations, but despite that I’ve lost another two pounds! Yeah. So the total weight loss so far is six pounds. Very pleased with that since the goal was 5 for the month and we still have another week to go give or take. I’ve met my step count goals for every day, did another personal best on the assisted pull-up, and snuck in some chores, like building our new BBQ grill. Easter chocolate is tempting, but I’ve been good about limiting that and also, keeping to less soda and carbs. All in all I’m pleased with what’s happening and adding a new goal: to do more stairs. I’m not a fan for a variety and reasons and both my husband and I find that even though we do cardio and handle pushing our heart rates to healthy levels, stairs always leave us a little winded. So the goal is to improve on that by taking more stairs on a daily basis. I have at least two sets that I can tackle at Penn Station and then at Grand Central. Will let you know how that goes next week!
Setting Goals
Original Goal Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Original Stairs Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

#MotivationMonday – Inches Lost and Personal Bests

I wish I could post that I lost more pounds, but sadly I didn’t. Still at the same weight thanks to having to eat out three times last week. Tough to watch salt and calories, but I have to do better next time. Despite that, I can tell from clothes that are no longer tight that I’ve lost some inches. Plus, I did personal bests at the gym on the assisted pull-ups and my dead lifts (110 pounds!). Yeah. Also hit my daily step counts and then some, so all is good this week. Working on being better for next week. How about you? How did you all do last week?

Original dumbbell Image by Roy Buri from Pixabay

Original tape measure Image by annca from Pixabay

#MotivationMonday – A Great Start!

Happy to say that I’ve watched the scale go down every day since last Monday. In total I’ve lost 4.4 since I first posted last week and that’s awesome considering I was hoping to have lost 5 pounds by the end of April. That puts me ahead a little, but as those of us who have struggled know, there will come a time when you reach a plateau. That’s when you’ll need the most willpower to not give up.

For now, here are some of the things I’ve done that may inspire you to make some changes for a healthier you!

    1. I really cut back on carbs. I love bread and rice and this is a tough one for me, but I know that carbs just set me off and I need to keep them to a minimum.

    2. I’m drinking more water and less diet soda. I’d cut back anyway before, but now I’m cutting back even more by making seltzer with my awesome Sodastream and drinking that instead. A few fresh fruit slices, like lemon, orange, or strawberry and it’s even better.

    3. I’ve up the intensity on my morning walk by adding music to get me moving faster. I’ve also upped it with my elliptical workout by increasing the speed for a minute at five minute intervals. I’ve reached 80% of my max heart rate at those levels (128). Don’t know how to figure out your max? Subtract your age from 220. That’s generally your max heart rate. Safe limit is 60-90% of that max rate. Of course, always check with your doctor first before any kind of exercise.

    4. I’m eating more fruits and vegetables.

    5. I’ve started journaling what I eat again. It’s not all that hard with the Fitbit app on my phone. FYI – I love my Fitbit and the community. We always challenge each other to meet our step counts. You can find me at https://www.fitbit.com/user/3GZT48. Caveat – I own Fitbit stock just to keep it all on the up and up.

That’s about all! Will keep you post on further progress next week.

#MotivationMonday – Time to Get Healthier

For those of you who have been visiting over the many years, you know I’ve had an up and down battle with my weight. Sigh. It’s disheartening at times, but with my daughter’s wedding in a few months and a desire to get healthier in order to stay healthier, I am once again committing to changing my lifestyle. I hope you’ll help me out by sharing your stories and by following as each Monday I share my success and/or my troubles with that week’s goal. My overall goal is to lose 35 pounds by November 1, the big day when my baby gets married. My weekly goal is to lose one pound by eating healthier and being active. Here is a picture of me today as well as a photo of some cute workout clothes my sister got me for my birthday! Can’t wait to exercise in them! Thanks, sis!

#MotivationMonday – Motivated to Meet You!

I’m so excited to be participating in two awesome signings in the coming weeks! The first one is the RWA Readers for Life signing at the upcoming Romance Writers of America National Conference in Denver. The Literacy Signing is open to the general public and all proceeds benefit a local literacy group. For more info, please visit http://bit.ly/2LoK7j4 or check out the info below!

On August 4 I am doing a signing with several other authors at the Edison Barnes & Noble! So excited to be there and I hope you’ll be able to drop by and spend some time with us! For more info, please visit http://bit.ly/2Jp6XFC or check out the info below!

Hope you can make it to one of the events because I’d love to meet up with you! I’ll be sharing photos and news from the conference over the course of the week at Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter so check those sites to find out more. Links are below!

    Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Caridad.Author
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/caridadpineiro

#MotivationMonday – Always Look Forward

I know I’m as guilty of it as most – looking backward. Wondering “What if” I did this instead of that? Lamenting what might have been instead of enjoying the present and looking forward to the future. If you have to look back, put a positive spin on it and think of what you’ve managed to survive. A health or financial crisis. The death of a loved one or a marriage. Those hardships made you stronger so that you can face the future with hopefully more optimism! So hang in there! The best is yet to come!
Look forward, not backward

#MotivationMonday – Per Aspera Ad Astra

You’re probably thinking “Aren’t Monday mornings hard enough without you tossing Latin at me?” LOL! Yes, they are tough and so are so many things in life. Lately it seems a challenge to just keep on going and yet, if you didn’t what would you accomplish? So this morning I told myself to find something motivating and came across that phrase: Per aspera ad astra. In English: Through Hardship to the Stars.

So when you’re feeling down, just keep that in mind. After the challenge comes the reward.

per aspera ad astra