Happy Friday! Freedom and a Margarita are almost here!

Happy Friday! I always used to wait for Friday afternoon because I knew by the time 3:OO pm rolled around I was only a couple of hours from freedom and maybe a margarita. Possibly pizza since that was always our welcome-to-the-weekend dinner. Today will be a little different since I’ll be with my writing conference buddies preparing for tomorrow’s conference and book fair. We’re expecting an excellent turnout and I hope you can make it if you’re in the area! Remember: 4:30 to 6:30 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Hamilton, NJ. I’ll have my latest releases available including the three books in the South Beach Security series. I’ll also have some earlier releases and goodies for anyone who buys one of the books! I hope you can come by.

Hello Friday!

I’m still busy working on #3 in the South Beach Security K-9 Division series from Harlequin Intrigue. It may seem like a long time to you, but I’ve only been working on it since February 10 after I finished #2. I’m furiously typing away since I have an April 10 deadline to deliver the complete book. Not much time from one book to the other and once I’m done with this story involving the discovery of a serial killer at an abandoned greyhound kennel, I’m off to start the last one in the series. #4 is a second chance at love story (I SO LOVE THOSE) about a K-9 agent who has to protect a former lover who is being terrorized by someone who is trying to keep her from testifying. I also love seeing what’s happening with characters from earlier books and you’ll definitely get to see what’s happening with the Gonzalez family and their loved ones in this spinoff. If you haven’t read the first three, they are all available in print, as e-books, and also as audio books. You find out more at https://amzn.to/3Td7kIF.

south beach security

TGIF Happy Weekend

TGIF! When I was working full-time Friday couldn’t come fast enough and Monday came way too fast! LOL! Whatever you plan on doing this weekend, ENJOY! I’m going to sneak in some walks since the weather is going to be warmer, plant my seedlings to get my garden going, and hunker down for many hours of writing on #3 in the South Beach Security spin-off. I’m having so much fun showing you what’s happening with the characters from the first three books and also working on this story involving murders at an abandoned greyhound racing kennel. P.S. — You can download the first three books in the South Beach Security series in print, e-book, and audio at https://amzn.to/3Td7kIF.

miami romance

A Birthday Gift from Nature

About three years ago I bought an orchid because it was an unusual one. It wasn’t in bloom when I got it and it took about six months before it bloomed. There were only a few blooms on it and I waited and waited for more. Fast forward two years and I finally am seeing it bloom again right near my birthday! A lovely gift from nature especially since I’m not a patient person and was close to giving up on this orchid ever blooming again. Sharing this photo of the very first bloom. Isn’t it pretty? Also, don’t forget to enter my Birthday Giveaway at https://bit.ly/CaridadBirthdayGiveaway for a chance to win some awesome goodies including a $25 gift card! Hope you have a great Friday! We’re off to the Philly Flower Show today and I hope to share some photos from there soon!

happy friday

Free books on Kindle Unlimited

I am so so excited to have three different books available for free on Kindle Unlimited. If you love charming K-9 stories, there’s Decoy Training. Want to read a passionate story about a wealthy Lord trying to end an ancient Egyptian mummy’s curse? Pick up Nocturnal Whispers. Ever wonder what romantic encounter might happen on an overnight train ride to Prague? Then check out Her Vampire Lover. You can get them at https://amzn.to/3xPxnfl.

free reads on kindle unlimited

A Very Happy Friday to You!

TGIF it’s Friday! I thought that after I left my full-time job to write Fridays would lose some of their WOO HOO IT’S FRIDAY vibe, but nope, Friday is still special. I still look forward to the weekend, especially since I’m going to spend some time with my daughter on Sunday. That’s always fun. As for Saturday, I’m hoping for a pretty day so I can take a long stroll on the boardwalk. Writing, of course! I’m working on #3 in the South Beach Security K-9 Division spinoff. That series will be out in Summer 2024 but you can read the first three books in the series right now at https://amzn.to/3GYWSAo.

K-9 suspense

This Funny is Worth a Repeat

I don’t know about you, but there are certain shops that it’s dangerous for me to enter. I could spend hours in a stationery store, especially if they have amazing pens. Garden shops are likewise dangerous, but the absolute worst is bookstores (duh). I could spend hours walking around and checking out what’s on the shelves, journals, and all the other good stuff you can find in a bookstore. Because of that, I thought it would be fun to share this funny again because this is how hubby feels when he comes with me (which he rarely does because he knows how long he will have to wait!)
funny memes